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Curriculum for Excellence

What is Curriculum for Excellence?

Curriculum for Excellence is designed to achieve a transformation in education in Scotland by providing a coherent, more flexible and enriched curriculum from 3 to 18.

The curriculum includes the totality of experiences which are planned for children and young people through their education, wherever they are being educated.


Supporting learning throughout our lives

Learning begins at birth and continues throughout our lives. The Scottish Government education strategy recognises that learning is lifelong, and aims to help learners develop the skills they need for learning, life and work in an ever-changing world.

The purpose of the curriculum (the four capacities)

Developing successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.

Understanding the curriculum as a whole

An overview of the elements of Curriculum for Excellence that contribute to the delivery of a broad general education for all learners.

How was the curriculum developed?

The development process of the 3-18 curriculum has involved unparalleled engagement with practitioners.

Key documents

A collection of the most important publications relating to Curriculum for Excellence.